Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sotsiaalsed võrgustikud

This week's exercise: Analyze any social network according to the Matt Webb's criteria.
Selected social network:

Identity: Most users use their real names to identify themselves, even though it is not mandatory. However, using real names makes it easier for people to find other people.
Presence: . Users can see if the other is online or not by the presence of the green dot next to the the other user's name. However users can go "offline" and turn this feature off.
Relations: Until not long ago, everybody in the contact list was a "friend", regardless of who the person in real life. Recently Facebook has introduced the "Lists" functions, where users can manage their contact list, creating their own lists, like "Classmates", "Co-workers", etc. Another type of relations is "Family", where users can make other user their relatives, such as father, mother, sister, etc. One more type of relation is "Relationship status", where users can define their maternal status with other users, such as "Married", "Divorced", "Engaged", etc.
Conversations: Users can chat among themselves using the "chat" function. This is useful, because one can not always install a particular instant messenger to chat with other users. Also, users can write on other users wall for everybody to see the message.
Groups: Users can create groups, based on some common interest. After that people can either join themselves, or they can be invited my other group members. Each group has a wall, where people can post news, links or videos. As soon as it's done, other group members get notifications about the activity.
Reputation: Facebook does not provide any special indicator about a person's reputation. However some may judge a person's reputation by the amount of friends: the more friends, the higher the reputation.
Sharing: Facebook has a rich set of sharing capabilities. People can share statuses by writing them on their own wall, links, pictures, videos and events. People can even watch videos without leaving Facebook. Users can upload their own photos and videos to the site. Access to the information can be defined by the user and changed at any time.

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